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About The Knights Templars of Albion


The Aims Of The Order

Who are the Knights Templars of Albion:

The Knights Templars of Albion Order is an internationally recognised Templar Order. The Order was founded on the basis of the original Knights Templar Constitution of 1127 to 1307. All Order Council Members and Senior ranked officers should be Invested following the secular tradition before any appointment to the Order Council can commence. Members Invested as Knights or Dames of the Order have the right under Templar Foundations to use the Post-Nominal of KT after their name. Sergeants of the Order can be seconded from the member body as long as they have passed the Apostle Program or a recognised derivative or have held a similar recognised post.


The Knights Templars of Albion are committed to upholding the core values of Honour, Respect and Loyalty. The Order Council come from a diversity of backgrounds but all have the common aim to live by the core values in their daily lives. As an Order the desire is to educate those who wish to become members of the Knights Templars of Albion and live by the true meaning of being a Knights Templar. Using tried and tested experience and methods to help individuals achieve this aim.

Those who wish to join The Knights Templars of Albion are supported and encouraged to progress through the officer ranks. The Knights Templars of Albion have their own Minister and Preceptors (Tutors), and those that show the commitment and dedication to the core values of the Knights Templars will be guided on their journey to being Invested as a Knight or Dame of The Order.


The Knights Templars of Albion Education:
We are passionate about education and learning. All Knights Templars of Albion members receive support, guidance and information to help develop their learning. All members can learn various aspects of Templar history and further knowledge as part of their journey within the Order.

It is important for all members to understand the role of being part of the Knights Templars. Knights Templars of Albion members are offered the opportunity to participate in an initial Apostles Program with learning that covers the basic aims and thesis of the Knights Templars. Completion of Apostles Program is part of the path to Investiture and becoming Invested within the Order.

Members who join the Knights Templars of Albion with a previous history of being Invested within other recognised Templar Orders are able to show their Templar experience, education and commitment to Templar core values before being directly invested into the Order.


How to progress in the Knights Templars:
All members are offered the opportunity to progress within the Order and become Officers of the Knights Templars of Albion. Members can study further to develop their knowledge and skills as ranked Templars. Becoming an Officer of the Knights Templars is open to all members regardless of social standing or education levels. All members in the Knights Templars of Albion are equals in Brother/sisterhood.

The Knights Templars of Albion support individuals of all social standings, sex, race and religion – we are open to all. All Knights Templars are united as one, equal and working together for a greater purpose. The Knights Templars teach respect for the identity, thoughts and beliefs of others, and our focus is to help make the world a more knowledgeable, forgiving and better understanding place to live.


Charity and supporting those in need:
The Knights Templars of Albion look to support charities where possible, and according to the Templar ethos of helping those in need we teach members that as Knights Templars they should be supportive of charity in their way of life. This can be simply by committing acts of kindness, or by supporting charity events, offering donations of time, money or services where they can.


Structure of the Knights Templars of Albion;
The Knights Templars of Albion maintains a ranked Order Structure for operations and diplomatic purposes. Whilst we do maintain a rank structure to the Order, part of the Templar educational system teaches that all individuals are equal. It is taught that rank and role gives responsibility, not importance over and above another. The aim of the Order Structure is to help ensure members have the necessary development framework for being internationally recognised Knights Templars.


Health and well-being of the Knights Templars:
The Knights Templars of Albion are committed to good health and well-being, not just for members but also to the wider communities. The Order is open to all members with health concerns of any kind that wish to be part of a like-minded community. As a Templar Order we consider ourselves a family that cares and supports each other in times of need. As part of this the Order has its own Welfare department open to all members with dedicated staff on hand to offer help and advice.


International Associations and Affiliated Orders:
The Knights Templars of Albion work with, stand alongside, share knowledge and Amity with other internationally recognised Knights Templars Orders. Agreements and Treaties build a stronger Knights Templars community and helps binds shared learning and support in the development of recognised Knights Templars Orders across the world and the members therein.


Templar Nation:
The Knights Templars of Albion represents the Embassy of Templar Nation for the United Kingdom of Great Britain. As part of its diplomatic purpose, the Knights Templars of Albion work to raise awareness of international Templar development and progression. The Knights Templars of Albion help to connect the international separate sovereign Orders to work with a unified mission and voice all over the world.

Having a steady growth with members across the globe working together to promote the Knights Templar world and the work we undertake in regards to charity, education and brother/sisterhood.
With a defined message that Knights Templars are here to help those in need and promote humanitarian issues. Linking with various charities to help raise funds for their work and to cross platform their educational work to better promote good causes.


The Knights Templars Of Albion And Dedication To Charitable Works:

The Knights Templars of Albion operate as an Unincorporated Association and Non-profit organisation. It is ran and operated by a team of volunteers who work to raise charitable work and charitable funds. Operating on a shoe string budget which enables the organisation (Order) to continue its work with all excess funds raised from membership fees and annual member subscriptions being delivered to charitable causes.


The Order uses personal fundraisers, national fundraisers, donated skills, donated time and donated expertise to help commit charitable works or finance to charities and worthy causes.

The thesis behind this is historic and relates to the original works of the Knights Templars of helping those in need. At The Knights Templars of Albion the belief installed in all members is that charity comes in many forms and all members are expected to work to charitable acts – either by donating time to good causes or helping raise funds for good causes for no recompense or reward other than that of helping and serving those in need.


Deus Vult.

The Order Council

for the

The Knights Templars of Albion

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Oath and Constitution

Be without fear in the face of your enemies.

Be brace and be upright so that God will love thee.

Speak the truth always even if it leads to your downfall.

Safeguard the helpless and.... 

Order Structure

Sir Nick Grand Master the Knights Templars of Albion and Ambassador for the United Kingdom on behalf of Templar Nation. Sir Nick is a Member of the High Council Civil and Military Order Ordo....

Affiliated Orders

Under the Treaty of Brotherhood and Amity, The Knights Templars of Albion have signed and agreed affiliations to work alongside, share knowledge and amity with other international Orders of the Knights Templars....

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