How to join the The Knights Templars of Albion
The Knights Templars of Albion are an internationally recognised and affiliated Order of the Knights Templars. We are an Order that believes in the Code Of Chivalry, brotherhood, defending the weak and supporting the vulnerable - if this important to you then we hope you have come to the right Order. If you are thinking of joining as a member of The Knights Templars of Albion, please find further information below.
The Knights Templars of Albion is open to both male and female members.
Becoming a Knight - What is expected of our Members
Joining an international Knights Templar Order does not automatically mean you are a recognised Knight. To become a Knights Templar (Knight or Dame of the Order) you must first have been invested as a Knight by way of an Investiture ceremony.
Upon joining the Order all members automatically become a Brother/Sister in the Order. Members can then choose if they wish to progress as an Apostle of the Order, or go on further to become a Knight/Dame of the Order. Knights of the Order can then progress to becoming a ranked officer or Ambassador.
We have some members who wish to be just simply be members and others who wish to progress within the Order and become a ranked officer within the Templar Community. The choice is down to each member and why they are looking to join the Order.
Members who join with a previous provable history within the Templar Community or within another Order can have that status honoured with the Knights Templars of Albion upon providing sufficient information. The Knights Templars of Albion we work with and guide you through that path and journey.
Becoming a Knight / Dame of the Knights Templar of Albion
Once a member passes the Apostles program they can progress towards the status of Knight or Dame of the Order.
As a Knight or Dame of the Order you will be recognised as such by the affiliated Orders we work with in the international Templar Community. You can also apply for Citizenship of Templar Nation.
Becoming a Knight means you gain the post nominal of KT (for Knights Templar) and the pre nominal of Sir Lady/Dame.
How to join - information for new applicants
We ask all new prospective members to follow a very simple application process which starts with completing an Application Form and to include a personal profile or CV, and a recent photograph.
This enables us to have better understanding of who we are within our Order member body.
If you have previously been a member of a Recognised Order and/or have been Knighted please ensure to note this on your application.
Membership options
Please choose from the membership options below
Your Order Membership includes administration fees, welcome packs, Member Certificates, membership cards, Handbooks, window sticker, access to the Order Member updates, newsletters and Community Hub. Members of the Order are also invited to any UK and International events that the Order attends.
Additional Information
Every year 5% of each member’s subscription is to be donated in support of approved charities of the Order.
Please ensure you check the Currency Rate as all payments relate to GDP/ Pounds Sterling
Junior Membership
The Knights Templars of Albion have made available a Junior Membership for those looking to join and learn more about the Knights Templars. Please note that parental consent is required.
Junior Membership (£30 per annum) is for 14-18 years old students, and includes membership administration fee (Junior), Member Certificate, junior Membership Card, as well as access to the Bibles Studies Group operated by RCBI
The Apostles Program
The Apostles program helps new members to learn about the Knights Templars, who they were and what they stood for.
New members are welcome to join the Order and undertake the Apostles Program at a later date if they wish - however they will not be able to undertake the Knighting Investiture process until passing as an Apostle first.
General Enquiry
If you are interested in joining the Knights Templars of Albion, please use the relevant application form.
For all general enquiries, please contact us here.