The Knights Templars of Albion
Order Structure
The Knights Templar of Albion was founded by Sir Nick Hall KT and Lord Alan R Taylor of Chaol Ghleann. As the founding fathers of the Knights Templars of Albion, both are devoted to the Templar way of life, its history, foundations and the Templar Constitution.
The Knights Templars of Albion has obtained international recognition and affiliations with other Recognised Orders under the "Brotherhood and Amity Treaty". As the representative Embassy of Templar Nation for the United Kingdom of Great Britain, The Knights Templars of Albion is focused on the continued diplomatic development of the Knights Templars within the international community.
Sir Nick Hall
Grand Master of The Knights Templars of Albion

Sir Nick Hall KT
Grand Master the Knights
Templars of Albion
Seated on the Regency Council for the Templar Nation and Ambassador for the United Kingdom on behalf of Templar Nation...
Knight of Jerusalem Ordre Souberian et Militaire du Temple de Jerusalem...
Ordre du Templiers Honorary Knight Templar.
Honoury Knight and Delegate -The Military Order Templar Knight of the Lord Lamont Couto - Royal House of MacDonnell Lamont Couto d' Chandos...
Sir Nick has a background in Teaching, Training and Security.
Lord Dr. Alan R Taylor of Chaol Ghleann the Grand Commander, Ruling Officer and Second in Command

Lord Dr. Alan R Taylor. D.Min
Grand Commander and Ruling Officer for the
Knights Templars Of Albion
Deputy chief of Mission at the Templar Nation Embassy for the United Kingdom...
Ordre du Templiers Honorary Knight Templar...
Honoury Knight and Delegate -The Military Order Templar Knight of the Lord Lamont Couto - Royal House of MacDonnell Lamont Couto d' Chandos...
Ordained Minister with an Honoury Doctorate as Doctor Of Ministry (D.Min).
Lord Alan has a background in high profile Project Management, Media, Civil and Constitutional Law and Training.
More about the Knights Templars of Albion
Sir Nick Hall KT and Lord Alan R Taylor are passionate Templar historians and have both contributed significantly to the authoring of the Knights Templars Of Albion education and learning, which includes the Apostles program and a large variety of social media and Templar community-based educational articles.
Sir Nick and Lord Alan are both members of the Independent Nation State Templar Nation. Sir Nick is currently in appointment as the Templar Nation official Ambassador for the United Kingdom of Great Britain.
Structure of the Order
The Knights Templars of Albion Order Council aim to support the successful management and administration of the Order for and on behalf of its members. As an Templar Order we recognise that our members are the most important part, and that the Council is there to help run and operate the Order in a manner that aligns to the Order objectives for the benefit of its members. Members have the right to lay question to the Order Council.
We pride ourselves as an Order that accepts diversity and welcome members with the same ethos. All members are encouraged in their choice to be active Templars, bring ideas forwards to improve the Order, and help to show the world that Knights Templars of the modern age are both respectful and honourable people. If where required any Order member found to be bringing the Order into disrepute will be subject to review.
To view further Information on the Order Council Structure please click here. - To view further information on the Orders Official Command Structure please click here.
Apostles Program
Members can also take part in the Orders unique Apostle Program where they can learn and understand invaluable information about the Knights Templars and life as a member of a recognised Order of Knights Templars.
The Grand Master and Templar Nation Ambassador Sir Nick Hall KT's full Coat of Arms as a Grand Master of the Order of the Temple.