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The Knights Templars of Albion are an official supporter body of the White Ribbon Charity

Who are White Ribbon charity?

White Ribbon are the leading charity that is ending male violence against women by engaging with men and boys to make a stand against violence.

Their mission is for all men to fulfil the White Ribbon Promise to never commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women.

They act as a catalyst, encouraging people, and especially men and boys, to individually and collectively take action and change behaviour.

How do White Ribbon work?

The White Ribbon voice is strengthened by working together with many men and women our supporters, ambassadors, champions, organisations and policy makers, to raise awareness, educate and campaign to bring about change.


These partners are working with us right across England and Wales engaging with many thousands of people to change the cultures that lead to violence against women and girls.  Together they can prevent violence happening in the first place.

White Ribbon Ambassadors and Champions

White Ribbon Ambassadors are men volunteers who engage with other men and boys to call out abusive and sexist behaviour among their friends, colleagues and communities to promote a culture of equality and respect.


White Ribbon Champions are people who support their work, helping them to engage with men and work within communities. Women who are champions are an essential part of White Ribbon, ensuring that the voices of women, especially survivors of violence and abuse, are heard.


The White Ribbon Accreditation programme ensures organisations take a strategic approach to ending male violence against women by engaging with men and boys, changing cultures and raising awareness.

Apostle Program

The Knights Templar of Albion Apostles Program has been designed to test your knowledge and help you understand the fundamentals of becoming a Knights Templar. It is to help guide you through your journey....

Order Structure

Sir Nick Grand Master the Knights Templars of Albion and Ambassador for the United Kingdom on behalf of Templar Nation. Sir Nick is a Member of the High Council Civil and Military Order Ordo....

Join the Order

To become a Knight/Dame of the Knights Templars of Albion we ask all new prospective new members to follow a simple joining process...

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